Titelbild "Stups". © Zeichnung: D. Pommer

Stups, the little shooting star

Stups, the little shooting star

Stups is a little shooting star that lost its home, comet Rasefix, when it once orbited far too close to the sun. Since then it has been looking for a new home, but it doesn't know where to start. The sun is too hot, the moon sends Stups away because its big brothers and sisters have already punched so many holes in it. On Saturn, Stups experiences something very strange - thousands of its brothers and sisters are trapped in the planet's ring and now have to orbit it forever. Will Stups find a new home?

Image © Zeichnung: D. Pommer


45 min | ages 4 and up (day-care & form 1)


10,00 €
8,00 €
Nursery and school groups:
5,00 € (two accompanying persons have free admission)

The following tickets are only available on site at the cash desk and cannot be booked in the online shop: Family tickets, group discounts, discounted / free tickets within the framework of cooperations (e. g. Berlin Family Pass) and tickets for wheelchair users and their accompanying persons (since there are designated seats for safety reasons). Unfortunately, it is not possible to refund differences resulting from the purchase of regular online tickets. Therefore, please reserve the relevant tickets in advance via our ticket hotline.

Unfortunately, family tickets are not available for cinema films, music and special events, and no discounts apply within the framework of cooperations (e. g. Berlin Family Pass).

Ticket hotline 
+ 49 (30) 421 845 10

All information concerning discounted tickets and free admission can be found here.

You can find further information about your visit here.

Small Planetarium
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Please note that this programme is currently only available in German.


Kindergarten & school visits


Tickets for visits with kindergarten groups and school classes can be booked directly in our webshop or reserved by telephone and paid for on site. The ticket price is €5 per person; two accompanying persons receive free admission.

Tickets can be reserved via our ticket hotline: Tel: +49 30 421845-10 / email: ticket@planetarium.berlin

To book online, select the tickets with the designation »NurFürSchulenKitas« for €5 in the ticket shop. Two accompanying persons receive free admission with the ticket »NurFürSchulenKitasBegleitperson«.

Educational materials

The Education Department of Stiftung Planetarium Berlin offers teachers and educators various information and work materials for optimal preparation and follow-up of the visit with kindergarten groups and school classes in the classroom. All educational materials can be downloaded free of charge here.

You can find further information about the possibilities for visiting our establishments with kindergarten groups and school classes here.


